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Questions and Discussions

Discussion Question 1

Question: Why do you think Ursula Riggs contacted Matt to try and help him in his situation? Would you have done the same thing?  Why of Why not?

Discussion Question 2

Question: Do you think Matt's situation sullied his family name?

Discussion Question 3

Question: How do you think Matt feels as his life is getting worst by the days? How would you have felt?

Discussion Question 4

Question: Why do you think all of Matt's closest friends and even Ursula who testified for him avoided him?

Discussion Question 5

Question: How do you feel about the end of the book?

Discussion Question 6

Question: Do you think that Matt and Ursula should have let their disagreement about Matt's parents decisions sue the school come between their friendship?

Questions thought of by: Tamia Daniels

Videos Uploaded by: Arthur Exul

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